Spotlight Interview with Barry

“I have a belief that if you treat people right, you’ll run into people kind of like you and others will gravitate towards you.” This quote encompasses much of what […]

Health Disparities in the Homeless

Research has drawn attention to the disproportionate association between health disparities and homelessness. In some cases, poor living standards can worsen health conditions, while in other cases, health issues can […]

Mental Health within the Homeless Population

According to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), ~500,000 individuals were homeless on a given night in the United States in 2015. Of those, 25% were seriously […]

Welcome to The PDO Blog

Welcome! Thank you for tuning in to the Project Downtown Orlando Blog Page! Project Downtown Orlando Inc. (PDO) was established as a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization in the early months of […]