

Published By: Mariam Daud

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As a NonProfit Organization, Project Downtown Orlando operates with the help of our generous sponsors. Whether one belongs to a larger corporation or wants to make a contribution as an individual, every donation helps. 


Sponsorships are the foundation of our organization, enabling us to make true change happen in the local community. As such, PDO aims to partner with organizations whose mission crosses over with our own. Food retailers such as Publix are dedicated to serving the community and have been kind enough to share their reason for partnering with PDO.   

Publix: “It was our pleasure to be able to contribute to such a worthy cause. As a food retailer, it is important for Publix to be able to give back to the communities we serve and ensure that we are doing our part to help alleviate hunger. Project Downtown Orlando is an organization that we are proud to partner with to focus on our local community members who are food insecure. Thank you for all that you do.” 

About the author
Mariam Daud
Mariam Daud is a recent graduate from the University of Central Florida and has been with PDO since 2018. Mariam’s goal in PDO is to help food insecurity as well as educate individuals on the needs of the homeless community in Orlando through her efforts on the PDO blog. Outside of PDO Mariam’s interests include music, reading, dogs, and spending time with friends and family.

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