When: Sat, April 23, 2022 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Where: 4091 Seaboard Rd, Orlando, Florida 32828
Contact: Noor Abdulrahman Contact Email: noor@pdorlando.org
Open Volunteer Spots: 24
Come join Project Downtown Orlando as they help out Islamic Relief USA pack 25,000+ meals that will be distributed all around the world for the people that need it the most.
If you are interseted in an event like this please sign up through this link first: https://volunteer.irusa.org/opportunity/a1o1Q00000A6dYX/ucf-meal-pack-orlando-fl-april-2022#
Then sign up on this form so you can registered as a PDO volunteer for that event, and you will also be able to recieve volunteer hours through PDO for this specifc event.
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